To sync your contacts from Street to Spectre for Email Marketing and transfer leads captured from your Property Report landing pages to your Street Enquiry Centre, you'll need to set up an OPEN API in Street and integrate it with Spectre. Follow the steps below to get started.
Step 1: Access the Applications Section in Street
- Log in to Street and navigate to Settings (located at the bottom of the left-side panel).
- Under Settings, click on Account Administration.
- Select Applications from the menu.
Step 2: Generate an API Token
- You must be a Company Admin to access the Account Administration section and generate API tokens.
- In the Applications section, you'll see any existing API tokens you've created. To set up a new token, scroll down to the ‘Create New Application’ section.
- When setting up your API token, start by adding an Application Name. This should be something easily identifiable, such as ‘Spectre Open API’
- In the API Token Scope drop-down, select ‘Open API’
- Enter the contact name and email address of the person who will be building the integration.
- It is crucial to enter correct details so Street can notify you of any API changes that could affect your integration.
- Click the 'Create Application' button. This will generate an API access token in the form of a string of code.
- Click the 'Click to Copy' button to copy the API token to your clipboard.
- Be sure to copy the API token before navigating away from the page. The token will no longer be visible once you leave this page.
Step 3: Add the API Token to Company Settings in Spectre
- After generating your API token, you’ll need to add it via Company Settings in Spectre to complete the integration.
- You must be a Company Admin to access the Company Settings.
- Navigate to your Settings (located behind your username dropdown) > Manage Company.
- Paste the API token from your clipboard into the ‘Street API Credentials’ box and hit save.(Refresh the page to show the API has successfully uploaded)
Step 4: Enable Data Sync
Once you've followed the above steps, it will enable:
- Leads captured from Spectre Property Reports will be transferred to the Street Enquiry Centre. (Please note, the Enquiry Centre is accessed at the company level, so any captured leads will need to be manually assigned to the appropriate branch).
- Contact information to be pulled through from Street and synced for Spectre Email Marketing purposes..
Deleting an API Token
If you need to delete an API token:
- Navigate to the Applications settings page in Street.
- Click the bin icon next to the token you wish to delete.
- Note: Deleting an API token will cause any queries using that token to fail.
Refreshing an API Token
To refresh an existing API token:
- Click the circle arrow icon next to the token you wish to refresh.
- Refreshing the token generates a completely new API token, and the old token will no longer be valid. Be sure to change the token in Spectre to reflect the new token.