Sending Letters

To start your journey by sending a bespoke campaign, you’ll first need to create a letter or a postcard. In this guide, we’ll talk you through how to create a new letter template, how to select an existing template and how to use Spectre A.I to write your content for you!

To create a new letter template to send through Spectre Campaigns, follow the below steps - 

  1. Open the Spectre Campaigns feature from the left-side menu 
  2. Click ‘Create New Template’ in the top right corner
  3. Click ‘New Letter’
  4. This will present you with a blank content box ready to create your letter
  5. From here you will have the ability to edit your text, amend the formatting, the colour, size and look of the font, and bold or underline important information
  6. Remember, you don’t need to add ‘Dear Homeowner’ or ‘Kind Regards’ to your letter, Spectre will add these automatically
  7. Don’t forget to use ‘Merge Fields’ to ensure your letter is completely personable. You can select your contact number or branch location and Spectre will automatically pull this information into your letters (Not sure how to use merge fields? Read our full guide HERE)
  8. Whilst you can type your letter into the text box displayed, or copy and paste it, you can also use Spectre A.I to write your letter for you. This is really useful if you don’t know what to write and you can check out our guide on Spectre A.I HERE.
  9. Don’t forget - always preview your letter once you’ve written it to ensure everything you’ve put together looks great on the page (your letterhead and sign-off should already be in place if you’re using the Print & Post service)

If you have already created your Templates, then you’re pretty much good to go! To use an existing Letter, all you would need to do is follow the below steps - 

  1. Jump into the ‘Campaigns’ tab and select the ‘Letter’ button which sits underneath ‘Media Type’ on the left-hand side of the page
  2. From here you will be presented with a list of your existing Letter Templates 
  3. Scroll through the list of templates and select the one you would like to send
  4. Click ‘view this letter’ which takes you to a preview of your content
  5. Make any changes you think are necessary and preview your letter
  6. Once you’re happy with your letter, just click ‘Find Properties’ to continue your Campaign journey

    Once you’re happy with your letter, just click ‘Find Properties’ to continue your Campaign journey!