How Do I Re-generate or Recall Batches of Letters/Postcards?

Regular Letters, Vault Letters, Twenty Twenty's, Custom Letters, and Single Sends:

Once generated, these campaigns cannot be directly regenerated. However, you can recall and delete the batch and then resend it with the relevant modifications by repeating your earlier steps. 


To edit and resend a Campaign, navigate to "Previous Campaigns" > "View Details" > "Edit and Resend Campaign."

Print & Post Service:

For Print & Post campaigns, you can recall batches up to the relevant cutoff time. Go to "Previously Sent Letters," click the three dots on the desired batch, then select "Recall" and "Delete."

In-House Printing:

To delete a batch of letters or postcards that you planned printed in-house, go to "Previously Sent Letters," click the three dots on the appropriate batch, and select "Delete."

To review the cut off times to send your letters and postcards each day, please see the below help centre articles:

What time do postcards get sent?
What time do letters get sent?


If you would like to edit your letters after you have deleted them, please see our article on How to edit your letters