Upload Valuation Data

Upload your Valuation Data to add in vendor names and details to matched properties.


Your data will need to be saved in a CSV file with the following fields:

    • Full Property Address and Postcode included in the same field.
    • Vendor Name.

When you select your file to upload, Spectre will ask you to map fields to your columns. Follow the instructions to tell Spectre which of your columns contains the address and postcode and vendor name. 

If you've directly pulled your data from Reapit and have the Property ID for each address, you can ensure the addresses match correctly by including the Property ID in a separate column on your CSV for each address and mapping it to the CRM Property ID option.

Once done, hit upload. Spectre will cross reference your data against the properties in your account and if your uploaded data matches a property, the vendor name will be marked against it. This name will then be used as the addressee and in the salutation for any letters sent to this property. 

Please note that Spectre will display whatever is entered in the name column as the name, so make sure that the name is the correct format before uploading.

You can see the number of properties that have been matched from your upload on the Upload Valuation Data page.