Upload Landlord Data

You can upload landlord data to add correspondence names and addresses to your account, to do this navigate to Lettings > Landlords > Upload Landlord Data. 

Your data must be uploaded as a CSV file with headed columns that include the property address & postcode, landlord name, and landlord address & postcode. 

When you upload your file, Spectre will ask you to confirm which column each field is in before your file is processed.

If you've directly pulled your data from Reapit and have the Property ID for each address, you can ensure the addresses match correctly by including the Property ID in a separate column on your CSV for each address and mapping it to the CRM Property ID option.

Once uploaded, this page will show how many properties from your file were successfully matched under “Total Properties”. This includes a sum of the “Matched Properties” (properties where the property address and the landlord details have been successfully verified) and “Unmatched Landlords” (properties where the property address has been matched but the landlord details could not be verified - in these instances you can manually confirm landlord details).