Postcard Templates

From your Postcard Templates page you can create a new postcard template, or preview and edit the ones currently in your account. 

If changing an existing template, simply select the postcard you’d like to edit. If you are unable to edit existing elements, or the only element is one grouped image, it is likely that the template was created and uploaded by your own marketing department. If you’d like to make any changes in this instance, you should contact your marketing team directly. 

If adding a new postcard, select “create a custom template”. From here you will be able to select any of our pre-made templates to get started, including our seasonal designs, or you can create a new template from scratch. 

Once you’re in the postcard editor you can add text or images by clicking Add Element. Any elements that have been added will appear in a list on the left side - you can click on an element to edit or remove it, and drag elements up the list to make them appear at the front.

If you’re creating a template to send out 20:20s and you’d like to include the property image on your postcard you can set up your template with a variable image - go to Add Element >> Image and select Image placeholder. This placeholder will be replaced by an image of the property when your 20:20 campaigns are created.

You will also be able to include Lead capture and Property report QR codes that recipients can scan for instant information on their property if you have your Spectre account integrated with Street Insights.