If you have previously purchased a Title Deed for a property, or manually entered the details yourself, and you spot that the address has since been sold - you may want to edit the landlord details so you can ensure your prospecting is reaching the right hands.
To edit landlord details, use the Property Search feature to locate the specific property page. You can then use the pencil icon next to the corresponding details that will allow you to edit them.
Alternatively, head to the ON-MARKET PROPERTIES, TENANTED PROPERTIES or the ALL PROPERTIES page in your account to search for the address. You will need to click onto the 'Filter Properties' button to open the postcode search bar on these pages.
Spectre will automatically identify any expired landlord details in your account based on Land Registry data. This will help you stay up-to-date with property ownership changes.
This will be highlighted on all pages in your account where property data is shown, and will be identified by the icon.
With this information you can choose to edit, remove or repurchase the landlord details for this property by clicking onto the address to open the property page.
If you have any trouble locating an address in your account, or in editing landlord details, please contact our Customer Support team at support@spectre.uk.com / 0161 464 5730.