Can I send a letter to two landlord addresses?

Unfortunately at the moment it is not possible for a letter to be sent to two landlord addresses at the same time.

If this is something you would like the ability to do in Spectre, why not use of our MAKE A SUGGESTION feature. You can find this at the top of your Spectre account under the drop down menu titled SUPPORT


However, what we can suggest is to amend the landlord details for the address that you would like to send the letter to, so that it addresses multiple landlords by name.

To do this you will need to go into the to the Property Search tab on the left hand side of your screen.

When you are on this page, use the search bar to search for the property address you need. Then click on the property address to open the property page, you will see the landlord details that have been attached to this property.

Alternatively, you can search for a property in your account under the ON-MARKET or TENANTED PROPERTIES pages, then click on the address to open the property page and view the landlord details.

Once you are on the property page and can see the landlord details for this property, click the PENCIL button and amend the name box to the combined landlord names. Don't forget to click SAVE to ensure these changes are saved.


If you are having any trouble editing these details, please contact our Customer Support team on 0161 464 5730 / for assistance